In the year King Uziah died, Isaiah saw the Lord
seated in majesty, high and lifted up. His radiance
so splendid even the angels covered their gaze as they sang
Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts; the whole earth is filled
with His glory. The Lord’s splendor melted Isaiah’s heart
as he realized His sin before a righteous, holy God
The foundations shook and his knees gave out when Isaiah beheld the Lord
“I’m done for; I perish!” Isaiah stammered, broken, “for my eyes
have seen the Lord.” His wicked heart exposed before blinding light,
bankrupt, no hope in himself; stripped, naked, no place to hide,
no excuse for his iniquity. Yet an angel flew, touched his lips with burning ember
from the altar, “Arise, your guilt is atoned for.” A thankful heart proclaims,
“Here I am Lord, send me!” The Lord replied, “Go, tell my people they have no ears
to hear, no eyes to see and their hearts are hardened beyond feeling.
Tell them I will make them desolate, until only the Holy seed remains.”
The foundations shook and his knees gave out when Isaiah beheld the Lord
The seed grew forth, the root of Jesse, the branch of David. Unto you Oh Israel,
a child is born from the virgin’s womb. Emmanuel, God with us; Wonderful
Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. A root
out of dry ground; He had no form or majesty, He was despised and rejected
by men and it pleased the Lord to crush His Son for our iniquity; by His wounds
we are healed. His Righteous One has born our guilt and conquered death.
The foundations shook and his knees gave out when Isaiah beheld the Lord