Where do you place your trust, is it
In yourself: deep down inside your heart
You know you can do it; just think…
Positive thoughts and they happen
Or maybe it’s not your focus
that get you through, but proper use
of planning or perhaps your winning charm.
Just suck it up and power through the brink.
Success isn’t easy to produce
and there is no “I” in team
Do you form an unlikely alliance
To save yourself from harm?
This is a strategy that affords esteem
But what do you do when it falls
Apart, when you find yourself betrayed.
Do you look to answers found in science?
Cold hard facts are little help in midst of life’s squalls
And too dependent on man’s fallible
Understanding to provide certain answers.
The earth was once flat, but that was weighed
And found wanting. We are gullible
To trust what we know, until
We can show that’s our thinking is not right
Then we move to something else and persuade
Ourselves that this time we’ll
Make sure we got it checked
Out, “I’s” dotted, t’s crossed
Paying careful attention to oversight
And when its shown wrong we’ll deflect
Point our fingers at someone else
And latch on to some new explanation no
Matter how ridiculous the cost
It is a much better to tighten up our belts
And drive on like nothing happened
Rather than re-evaluating, keep the facade
Never looking deeply inside ourselves, to
The depths of our depraved hearts blackened
By our sin and our desire to covet
A position that is not ours, let’s batten
Down our hatches, potential lies within us, we hate God.